Saturday, December 16, 2006

Just because.

I wanted to write, I just wanted to. So here I am I do not have nothing in mind to write about, but writers say that the best way to start writing is just typing.
I am seeing how this year is ending, I still have lots of things to do, I haven't lost weight, I haven't learnt french, I couldn't travel to Paris, I can't have such little paper that says that I have a degree, I can't find a good man to be my boyfriend, I don't know if I really want to find him.
I wasn't invited this year to any wedding, I think that I didn't drink enough alcohol... so what did I do?
I have a job, I think that I have consolidated myself in such job, I learnt a lot about life and feelings, I have found that I have great and true friends, I have two new pets, I know that at this moment I am more than ever soccer fan, I know what is the music that I like and dislike, I am sure about my religion and beliefs, I know why I do feel in a way or another, I know how stop feeling down, I know that avoid some people it's not a selfish act but a loyal one for my mind and heart. I know that dead is close to life, more closer than we think.
I feel comfortable and content with my self and my life, I have a lot of dreams and wishes, I know which are the ones I can make true without needing a genie.
I confirmed that I am a person who kids can easily talk with (I thought that I've lost that touch), I enjoy a lot my life and feelings, my capability of saying "no" when I want and need to say it.
I'm a better cook.. . I miss some other things, but after this little analysis of myself, I belive that I am growing up... It does not feel as bad as I thought, actually it feels great!!


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