Friday, October 05, 2007

Ray of light.(Because of Madonna's video)

When you are able to remember one part of your day as if you were living it again, you can tell you have a memory. How many moments of your life you can remember just as clear as if you were there? Unfortunatelly not too much.
We are just living 24 hours per day, we wake up and we last maybe 2 or 3 hours in getting to reality or as I say, in "reloading" and we need a cup of coffee or a cola or a cigarette. After that, we run through the city or we start working and/or getting worried about many things!

We need to think before making any action otherwise everything would become a mess, so the future is always in our minds. Some people cannot even take time for lunch, some others need to study and study for a test, or the children and all the duties and many bla, bla... so the day goes on. When the evening sarts, we usually are tired, so if we can we just get sleep.

My question is, where is the conscience? We lost it!! we missed it! we are letting it go minute after minute!

I will use this Lennon's phrase that made me think about this: "Life is what happen to you while you are busy making other plans" We should not allow ourselves to lose such conscience, we must pay attention to every moment, every decision, every feeling, every sight, every smell.

We are afraid of being old and be senile or even worst, to have alzheimer... but we have all the mental diseases now, we just let us lose our lifes, our memories, our conscience.

So live, laugh, enjoy, respect and pay attention... do not let the life goes without realizing that you were there... be aware all the time!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Mi ciudad

Encontré ésta foto y la quise compartir...

Monday, October 01, 2007

Palabras Finales

Es un artículo de El Financiero, pero yo no conocía las últimas palabras de Che, aún herido, calma a su victimario y... mejor léanlo. En general, ésta es una lección del Gobierno Cubano para todo el mundo.

Hace casi 40 años, Mario Terán, teniente del ejército boliviano, asesinó a Ernesto Che Guevara.Era el 9 de octubre de 1967, pasado el mediodía, cuando Terán, nervioso, falló los primeros disparos. Herido y con las manos atadas a la espalda, el Che le pidió que se calmara, y le dijo: "Vas a matar sólo (sólo) a un hombre".El periódico cubano Granma informó el sábado que ese hombre, ahora anciano, fue operado y curado de cataratas... por médicos cubanos.Los médicos que operaron a Terán no supieron en ese momento quién era el enfermo. El militar acudió en Bolivia a uno de los puestos de la Operación Milagro, el programa de Cuba y Venezuela de asistencia oftalmológica gratuita para los pacientes.Los médicos no sabían, pero las autoridades cubanas sí.¡Zas!, dicen, ¡ora sí que ésa es una verdadera lección de honor, para los que anticipada e insultantemente festejaron la muerte del comandante Fidel Castro, allá en Miami...!
La Crèmem de la Crème
Eva Makívar
Lunes, 1 de octubre de 2007